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  • Homegrown Law Firm Goes Big Time Thanks to Merger

    Homegrown Law Firm Goes Big Time Thanks to Merger

    Attorney Blogs 06/29/2007

    [##_1L|1029931487.jpg|width="120" height="91" alt=""|_##]One of the largest labor and employment law firms in the country now has a presence in Memphis thanks to a homegrown firm with ties to the Bluff City that goes back 20 years. Effective Sunday, ...

  • Court Rules for Expectation of Privacy in E-mail

    Court Rules for Expectation of Privacy in E-mail

    Attorney Blogs 06/21/2007

    [##_1L|1066659014.jpg|width="130" height="98" alt=""|_##]The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that the government must have a search warrant before it can secretly seize and search stored e-mails. People that use e-mail as a form of com...

  • The Supreme Court vs. Health Care Workers

    The Supreme Court vs. Health Care Workers

    Attorney Blogs 06/15/2007

    [##_1L|1175929016.jpg|width="101" height="102" alt=""|_##]The Supreme Court just ruled 9-0 this week that home health care workers aren't entitled to overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, a significant blow to low wage workers gene...

  • Immigration reform falls to polarized politics

    Immigration reform falls to polarized politics

    Attorney Blogs 06/08/2007

    [##_1L|1288482258.jpg|width="180" height="135" alt=""|_##]"The reality is most people are just desperate to see a solution. If this goes down, the opposition is not offering an alternative and that means the problem is still an issue," said Pete Brod...

  • How prepared is your injury lawyer?

    How prepared is your injury lawyer?

    Attorney Blogs 05/28/2007

    [##_1L|1189419024.jpg|width="101" height="102" alt=""|_##]As a Virginia (VA) attorney handling injury cases like automobile accidents for about 18 years, I have come to recognize preparation as the key to success in handling serious injury cases in H...

  • Get a life or just Google it - the choice is yours

    Get a life or just Google it - the choice is yours

    Attorney Blogs 05/28/2007

    [##_1L|1039858274.jpg|width="90" height="119" alt=""|_##]Internet search engine Google plans to target people's interests using data collected on its users Lesley-Anne Henry asks: is this the next logical step or the thin end of the orwellian wedge. ...

  • Key Reasons that e-Commerce Raises Tax Issues

    Key Reasons that e-Commerce Raises Tax Issues

    Attorney Blogs 04/09/2007

    [##_1L|1112312292.jpg|width="130" height="98" alt=""|_##]E-Commerce creates new challenges to the tax systems. One of the challenges derive from the fact that a business can engage in e-commerce without having a physical presence. This is way beyond ...

  • The Vioxx Litigation

    The Vioxx Litigation

    Attorney Blogs 04/05/2007

    [##_1L|1254798332.jpg|width="140" height="103" alt=""|_##]On September 30, 2004, Merck withdrew its painkiller Vioxx from the market because of a study showing a small but statistically significant increase in risk of cardiovascular events from long-...

  • High court ruling is major plus for cutting emissions

    High court ruling is major plus for cutting emissions

    Attorney Blogs 04/04/2007

    [##_1L|1318697017.jpg|width="180" height="122" alt=""|_##]California and other states have taken action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cars and trucks while the Environmental Protection Agency has looked the other way. A U.S. Supreme Court r...

  • US and South Korea in landmark trade deal

    US and South Korea in landmark trade deal

    Attorney Blogs 04/02/2007

    [##_1L|1158857426.jpg|width="140" height="93" alt=""|_##]Washington and Seoul agreed a landmark deal on Monday that will dramatically liberalise trade between the countries, giving the US an economic foothold in north-east Asia and helping South Kore...

  • Another Enron in Europe?

    Another Enron in Europe?

    Attorney Blogs 04/01/2007

    Many European businesses are failing to effectively implement corporate governance codes which is heightening the risk of a serious corporate scandal on the scale of that involving Enron, new research claims. A poll of Europe's 500 largest publicity ...

  • Oracle's SAP suit raises users' ethics concerns

    Oracle's SAP suit raises users' ethics concerns

    Attorney Blogs 03/25/2007

    [##_1L|1045179749.jpg|width="130" height="90" alt=""|_##]Oracle filed a lawsuit in U.S. Federal District Court on Thursday against SAP, its SAP America division, its TomorrowNow subsidiary and 50 unnamed individuals Oracle claims were SAP employees. ...

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New York & New Jersey Family Law Matters We represent our clients in all types of proceedings that include termination of parental rights. >> read