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Nevada DUI laws
DUI DWI Laws 01/03/2007Nevada First OffenderYou are DUI in Nevada if your blood alcohol is .08% or higher. The limit is .04% for commercial drivers and .02% for drivers under 21. Drivers can be arrested and convicted for DUI with a lower blood alcohol content (BAC) reading...
Connecticut DUI Laws and Information
DUI DWI Laws 01/03/2007[##_1L|1104320926.jpg|width="100" height="124" alt=""|_##]You are legally driving under the influence:You are legally intoxicated if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08 or above. If you are under 21 years of age, you are legally intoxicated at a ...
Drunk Driving & DUI laws in Texas
DUI DWI Laws 01/03/2007In Texas, a person is legally intoxicated and may be arrested and charged with DWI with a .08 BAC (blood or breath alcohol concentration). However, a person is also intoxicated if impaired due to alcohol or other drugs regardless of BAC. Whether you'...
New Jersey Drunk Driving Laws
DUI DWI Laws 01/02/2007New Jersey First OffenderYou are DWI in New Jersey if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08% or higher.DWI First Offense Penalties If ConvictedJail12 hours to 48 hours spent during two consecutive days of not less than six hours each day, and serve...
First Offender DUI Information in Colorado
DUI DWI Laws 01/02/2007[##_1L|1349996815.jpg|width="185" height="140" alt=""|_##]Colorado First OffenderIn Colorado, you may be charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Impaired (DWAI).Colorado Drunk Driving Law consists of two parts: the Criminal Ca...
Arkansas DUI information & laws
DUI DWI Laws 01/02/2007[##_1L|1401511394.jpg|width="129" height="89" alt=""|_##]Arkansas First OffenderYou are DUI/DWI in Arkansas if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08% or greater. DUI (driving under the influence) is the term that refers to charges for drivers under...
Arizona DUI Laws and Information
DUI DWI Laws 01/01/2007[##_1L|1390980153.jpg|width="148" height="63" alt=""|_##]Most DUI arrests in Arizona involve two common DUI charges: 1) driving while impaired, and 2) driving with an alcohol content of 0.08 or higher within 2 hours of driving. Offenders are commonly...
DUI Laws in Alaska for First Offenders
DUI DWI Laws 01/01/2007You are DWI in Alaska if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08% or higher.DWI First Offender PenaltiesJail Not less than 72 consecutive hours nor more than one year in jail. The average is three days, for which you are charged $270 in costs.Communi...
First Time Offender Laws in Alabama
DUI DWI Laws 01/01/2007[##_1L|1332160100.jpg|width="178" height="141" alt=""|_##]What is considered DUI levels in Alabama: If you have 08% BAC (blood alcohol content) or any amount that would render the driver incapable of safely driving. DUI applies to both alcohol and dr...
South Dakota Drunk Driving Laws
DUI DWI Laws 01/01/2007South Dakota First OffenderYou are DUI/DWI in South Dakota if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08% or higher. However, you can have a BAC level of between .05% and .08%, you still be charged with driving under the influence.Penalties for Driving ...