Donna Jones Named 08 Partnership Chair

Law Firm News

Donna D. Jones has been named the 2008 chair of the Downtown San DiegoPartnership.  Jonesis a partner in the Real Estate, Land Use and Environmental practice group ofSheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton's San Diego office. 

The Downtown San Diego Partnership is a nonprofit businessassociation, comprised of 320 local business and property owners, dedicated toadvocating and educating for development and planning on behalf of downtownbusinesses and residents. Jones and theboard were officially installed by San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders at the Partnership'sannual installation meeting on Jan. 15. 

"Between working with stakeholders tosupport completion of the C Street Master Plan, selection of the developer forthe Civic Center public/private partnership, approval of the Lane Field projecton the waterfront and helping to implement The Plan to End Chronic Homelessness by selecting alocation in the Downtown region for a Central Intake Facility for thehomeless, as well as implementing our Business Attraction program to bring morebusinesses downtown, we at the Downtown San Diego Partnership lookforward to meeting the challenges and opportunities of 2008," commentedJones.

As a land use attorney and registered lobbyist, Jones focuses oncompliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), permitting andentitlement issues. She has entitledmaster-planned communities; urban infill, multi-family and mixed-usedevelopments; shopping centers; municipal solid waste landfill expansions;peaker power plants and more.

Since 1994, Jones has represented Black Mountain Ranch in developmentof the Santaluz and Del Sur communities in the city of San Diego. This representation has included obtainingentitlements for a transit-oriented, "smart growth" community of morethan 3,000 dwelling units, a resort hotel, two golf courses, and commercial andinstitutional development. Jones'representation included negotiating development agreements as well as alldevelopment permits, maps and associated entitlements, and assuring CEQAcompliance for all discretionary actions. In addition, she worked with the developer andhis team in crafting a ballot measure voters ultimately approved to redesignatethe property and allow a significant increase in density.

Jones has negotiated master and individual affordable housingagreements, school mitigation agreements, park agreements, road improvement,water, sewer and myriad other infrastructure and related agreements. She hasrepresented developers in formation of community facilities districts, updatesto Public Facilities Financing Plans, and permits from the U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Coastal Commission,California Department of Fish and Game, and the Regional Water Quality ControlBoard.  She also has successfullyrepresented developers in CEQA litigation brought against their projects. 

In addition, Jones worked on CEQA and entitlement issues on the Padres'downtown Petco Park as well as the East Village Square Master Plan and otherancillary development; entitlements for expansion of the Ritz-Carlton LagunaNigel; lobbying and land use advice on numerous residential and mixed useprojects in downtown San Diego; entitlements for expansion of the La JollaYMCA, conversion of a golf driving range to a condominium project for SheaHomes, and negotiations with the resource agencies and local government onzoning, habitat and other land planning and entitlement issues for a21,000-acre property in the county of San Diego, among other projects.

Jonesearned a J.D., with high honors as a member of Order of the Coif and as GrandChancellor, from the University of Texas in 1990 and a B.A. in journalism, withhonors, from Texas A&M University in 1981.

About Sheppard Mullin Richter &Hampton LLP

Sheppard Mullin is a full service AmLaw 100 firm with more than 520attorneys in 10 offices located throughout California and in New York,Washington, D.C. and Shanghai.  Thefirm's California offices are located in Los Angeles, San Francisco, SantaBarbara, Century City, Orange County, Del Mar Heights and San Diego.  Founded in 1927 onthe principle that the firm would succeed only if its attorneys deliveredprompt, high quality and cost-effective legal services, Sheppard Mullinprovides legal counsel to U.S. and international clients.  Companies turn toSheppard Mullin to handle a full range of corporate and technology matters,high stakes litigation and complex financial transactions.  In the U.S., the firm's clients include morethan half of the Fortune 100 companies.  Formore information, please visit

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A divorce in Ohio is filed when there is typically “fault” by one of the parties and party not at “fault” seeks to end the marriage. A court in Ohio may grant a divorce for the following reasons:
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