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  • US Senator challenges war on terror methods

    US Senator challenges war on terror methods

    Legal News Center 12/14/2006

    [##_1L|1164895664.jpg|width="117" height="141" alt=""|_##]Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy Wednesday laid out an ambitious agenda for the reshuffled Senate Judiciary Committee he will chair when the Democratic-controlled US Congress begins its new sessi...

  • FBI Asked To Release Anthrax Attack Information

    FBI Asked To Release Anthrax Attack Information

    Legal News Center 12/12/2006

    US Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) announced Tuesday that they have sent the FBI a lettersigned by thirty-three members of Congress asking it release information from its probe into the 2001 anthrax attacks, in which letters cont...

  • HP agrees to settle California pretexting suit

    HP agrees to settle California pretexting suit

    Legal News Center 12/09/2006

    [##_1L|1164955933.jpg|width="180" height="142" alt=""|_##]Hewlett-Packard reached a $14.5 million settlement agreement with California Attorney General Bill Lockyer on Thursday in an unfair business practices suit stemming from HP's allegedly fraudul...

  • Fight Against Child Sexual Exploitation

    Fight Against Child Sexual Exploitation

    Legal News Center 12/05/2006

    WASHINGTON – Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales today delivered remarks at the Justice Department’s Project Safe Childhood conference on Department efforts to prosecute sex predators and protect children from sexual exploitation through Project...

  • Serbs Concerned Over Serbian Nationalist

    Serbs Concerned Over Serbian Nationalist

    Legal News Center 12/04/2006

    Some 30,000 Serbs gathered in front of the US embassy in Belgrade on Saturday insisting that the United States and the United Nations are trying to kill ultranationalist Serbian Radical Party (SRS) leader and war crimes defendant Vojislav Seselj. Ses...

  • New Hampshire GOP phone jamming case settles

    New Hampshire GOP phone jamming case settles

    Legal News Center 12/02/2006

    The lawsuit brought against the New Hampshire Republican State Committee for the jamming of Democratic phone lines in the 2002 Senate race has been settled, according to a statement Friday from GOP state Committee Chairman Wayne Semprini. The New Ham...

  • Terror suspect to be extradited to US

    Terror suspect to be extradited to US

    Legal News Center 12/01/2006

    The UK High Court ruled Thursday that two British citizens charged with terrorism offenses can be extradited to the US to face terrorism charges. Haroon Rashid Aswat, wanted in the US on suspicion of setting up a terrorist training camp, and Babar Ah...

  • FEMA told to resume Katrina housing payments

    FEMA told to resume Katrina housing payments

    Legal News Center 11/30/2006

    US District Judge Richard J. Leon ruled in Washington, DC, Wednesday that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) must reinstate certain housing payments for victims of Hurricane Katrina. Leon granted the plaintiff's motion for a preliminary i...

  • Insurance may cover Katrina damage

    Insurance may cover Katrina damage

    Legal News Center 11/29/2006

    Flood damage caused by Hurricane Katrina may be covered under those insurance policies that do not specifically exclude from coverage damage caused by negligence, according to a federal court opinion handed down Monday. Judge Stanwood R. Duval Jr. of...

  • DOJ watchdog opens domestic surveillance probe

    DOJ watchdog opens domestic surveillance probe

    Legal News Center 11/27/2006

    [##_1L|1262038380.jpg|width="107" height="107" alt=""|_##]US Justice Department Inspector General Glenn Fine has launched an internal investigation into the DOJ's use of intelligence gathered under the NSA's domestic surveillance program, according t...

  • PA.- Justice Dept. Resolves Discrimination Lawsuit

    PA.- Justice Dept. Resolves Discrimination Lawsuit

    Legal News Center 11/15/2006

    WASHINGTON – (USDOJ) The Justice Department today announced the filing of a settlement order to resolve a lawsuit filed against the city of Philadelphia under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In September 2004, the Justice Department inte...

  • Catholic Church Reaches Out to Gay Parishioners

    Catholic Church Reaches Out to Gay Parishioners

    Legal News Center 11/14/2006

    Roman Catholic bishops approved new guidelines in an effort to reach out to the gay Catholic Community by overwhelmingly approving a new document entitled "Ministry to Persons with a Homosexual Inclination." Gay Catholic activists immediately judged ...

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