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  • Bush administration: Back off CIA tape probe

    Bush administration: Back off CIA tape probe

    Legal News Feed 12/15/2007

    The controversy over destroyed CIA interrogation tapes is shaping up as a turf battle involving the courts, Congress and the White House, with the Bush administration telling its constitutional coequals to stay out of the investigation.The Justice De...

  • McDermott disappointed at Supreme Court rejection

    McDermott disappointed at Supreme Court rejection

    Legal News Feed 12/04/2007

    U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott says he's disappointed the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to consider his appeal.He says he believes he had a First Amendment free speech case.Today's decision leaves a federal appeals court ruling in place. The court said th...

  • Congress, Courts Examine 'State Secrets'

    Congress, Courts Examine 'State Secrets'

    Legal News Feed 11/26/2007

    In federal courts and on Capitol Hill, challenges are brewing to a key legal strategy President Bush is using to protect a secret surveillance program that monitors phone calls and e-mails inside the United States.Under grilling from lawmakers and at...

  • Ex-Gov. Ryan of Illinois Reports to Prison

    Ex-Gov. Ryan of Illinois Reports to Prison

    Legal News Feed 11/07/2007

    [##_1L|1094216660.jpg|width="120" height="84" alt=""|_##]Former Gov. George Ryan, who drew international attention for halting the death penalty in this state, reported to a federal prison in Wisconsin on Wednesday to begin his six-and-a-half-year se...

  • Senior Democrats Want Blackwater Case Details

    Senior Democrats Want Blackwater Case Details

    Legal News Feed 10/31/2007

    [##_1L|1384887354.jpg|width="140" height="135" alt=""|_##]The State Department said yesterday that it had provided "limited protections" to Blackwater Worldwide security guards under investigation in the deaths of 17 Iraqi civilians but insisted that...

  • Craig Opens Another Legal Battle

    Craig Opens Another Legal Battle

    Legal News Feed 10/16/2007

    [##_1L|1301268931.jpg|width="130" height="93" alt=""|_##]Sen. Larry Craig has opened a new round in his legal battle stemming from his airport restroom arrest, appealing a judge's refusal to let him to withdraw his guilty plea to disorderly conduct. ...

  • Bush Pushes Congress on 'No Child' Law

    Bush Pushes Congress on 'No Child' Law

    Legal News Feed 10/10/2007

    [##_1L|1085345589.jpg|width="110" height="128" alt=""|_##]President Bush said that he's open to new ideas for changing the "No Child Left Behind" education law but will not accept watered-down standards or rollbacks in accountability. The president a...

  • Atlantic City Mayor Robert Levy Resigns

    Atlantic City Mayor Robert Levy Resigns

    Legal News Feed 10/10/2007

    [##_1L|1325225912.jpg|width="80" height="59" alt=""|_##]The mayor of Atlantic City has handed in his resignation, after he vanished for two weeks amid allegations that he lied about his military service, his attorney said Wednesday. Levy's departure ...

  • Bush faces GOP foes on budget cuts

    Bush faces GOP foes on budget cuts

    Legal News Feed 10/09/2007

    [##_1L|1137419019.gif|width="135" height="114" alt=""|_##]Congressional Democrats have found an unexpected ally in their budget showdown with President Bush: Republicans. The president is pushing to cut and even eliminate some popular domestic progra...

  • Democrats demand interrogation memos

    Democrats demand interrogation memos

    Legal News Feed 10/05/2007

    [##_1L|1284010540.jpg|width="140" height="135" alt=""|_##]Senate and House Democrats demanded Thursday to see two secret Justice Department memos that reportedly authorize painful interrogation tactics against terrorism suspects. The memos -- legal o...

  • Craig to Stay in Office for Time Being

    Craig to Stay in Office for Time Being

    Legal News Feed 09/27/2007

    [##_1L|1137693142.jpg|width="130" height="93" alt=""|_##]Craig's lawyers asked a Minnesota judge Wednesday to let the three-term senator withdraw his guilty plea in a sex sting at a Minneapolis airport restroom. Afterward, Craig issued a statement sa...

  • Is Vermont lawyer being wiretapped?

    Is Vermont lawyer being wiretapped?

    Legal News Feed 09/23/2007

    A Vermont lawyer representing a client being held at Guantanamo, Cuba, is worried that his phone is being tapped by the federal government. He ought to be. The federal government may have interpreted the revised federal surveillance law to allow it t...

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