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  • Top political operative Karl Rove quits White House

    Top political operative Karl Rove quits White House

    Law & Politics 08/14/2007

    Mr Rove, nicknamed "Bush's brain", will step down as Mr Bush's deputy chief of staff at the end of the month to spend more time with his family in Texas. He will remain covered by the executive privilege of the White House, protecting him from testif...

  • Bush Against Raising Gas Tax

    Bush Against Raising Gas Tax

    Law & Politics 08/09/2007

    [##_1L|1224501356.jpg|width="110" height="128" alt=""|_##]President Bush dismissed Thursday raising the federal gasoline tax to repair the nation's bridges at least until Congress changes the way it spends highway money. "The way it seems to have wor...

  • Poll: Democrats favor Clinton over Obama

    Poll: Democrats favor Clinton over Obama

    Law & Politics 08/07/2007

    U.S. Democrats significantly favor New York Senator Hillary Clinton over Illinois Senator Barack Obama for the party's presidential nomination in the wake of a dispute over the handling of foreign policy, according to a poll published Tuesday. The US...

  • Bush wants terrorism law updated

    Bush wants terrorism law updated

    Law & Politics 08/03/2007

    [##_1L|1399795492.jpg|width="100" height="106" alt=""|_##]President Bush wants Congress to modernize a law that governs how intelligence agencies monitor the communications of suspected terrorists. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, ...

  • Study: Fla. Voting Machines Still Flawed

    Study: Fla. Voting Machines Still Flawed

    Law & Politics 08/02/2007

    [##_1L|1261398047.jpg|width="120" height="93" alt=""|_##]Florida's optical scan voting machines are still flawed, despite efforts to fix them, and they could allow poll workers to tamper with the election results, according to a government-ordered st...

  • Democrats Continue Push for Iraq Troop Withdrawal

    Democrats Continue Push for Iraq Troop Withdrawal

    Law & Politics 07/21/2007

    [##_1L|1115674218.jpg|width="140" height="135" alt=""|_##]Sen. Harry Reid offered his cooperation in December when the Iraq Study Group unveiled its recommendations with a plaintive call for a bipartisan effort to change the course of the war. "Democ...

  • Republicans Block Iraq Withdrawal Measure

    Republicans Block Iraq Withdrawal Measure

    Law & Politics 07/18/2007

    [##_1L|1103546275.jpg|width="180" height="135" alt=""|_##]Republicans on Wednesday made good on their promise to block a Democratic effort to mandate a troop withdrawal from Iraq after an all-night session organized by Democratic leaders to "dramatiz...

  • Bush presents a mixed report on Iraq progress

    Bush presents a mixed report on Iraq progress

    Law & Politics 07/12/2007

    [##_1L|1118872709.jpg|width="100" height="106" alt=""|_##]Asking for patience with what he called "an ugly war," President George W. Bush on Thursday presented a mixed progress report on Iraq, with some military advances offset by persistent violence...

  • Former surgeon-general attacks Bush

    Former surgeon-general attacks Bush

    Law & Politics 07/11/2007

    The first surgeon-general appointed by US President George Bush has accused his Administration of political interference and muzzling him on issues such as embryonic stem cell research.Dr Richard Carmona, a Bush nominee who served from 2002 to 2006, ...

  • Bush Denies Congress Access to Aides

    Bush Denies Congress Access to Aides

    Law & Politics 07/09/2007

    [##_1L|1324010630.jpg|width="110" height="128" alt=""|_##]President Bush invoked executive privilege Monday to deny requests by Congress for testimony from two former aides about the firings of federal prosecutors. The White House, however, did offer...

  • Bush Heads Home to Contentious Congress

    Bush Heads Home to Contentious Congress

    Law & Politics 06/11/2007

    [##_1L|1140165663.gif|width="135" height="114" alt=""|_##]President Bush says Monday's debate over a vote of no confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will have no bearing on whether the long-time legal adviser stays in office."I guess it re...

  • Bush's new plan to tackle climate change

    Bush's new plan to tackle climate change

    Law & Politics 06/01/2007

    [##_1L|1050822681.gif|width="135" height="114" alt=""|_##]His plan comes before Mr Bush attends next week's G8 summit, where the US will block proposals for binding cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, he tabled his own plan for tackling climat...

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