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  • Anti-Clinton Web Ad Draws Attention

    Anti-Clinton Web Ad Draws Attention

    Law & Politics 03/21/2007

    [##_1L|1363089361.jpg|width="110" height="121" alt=""|_##]The mysterious Internet video that compares Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to Big Brother is the boffo hit of the YouTube Web site. The 74-second clip, a copy of a 1984 Apple ad for its Macintosh...

  • GOP Wants Answers on Prosecutor Firings

    GOP Wants Answers on Prosecutor Firings

    Law & Politics 03/19/2007

    Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee say the Bush administration needs to be more straightforward about the White House's role in the dismissals of eight federal prosecutors."I've told the attorney general that I think this has been mishandl...

  • Thousands Protest As War Enters 5th Year

    Thousands Protest As War Enters 5th Year

    Law & Politics 03/18/2007

    Denouncing a conflict entering its fifth year, protesters across the country raised their voices Saturday against U.S. policy in Iraq and marched by the thousands to the Pentagon in the footsteps of an epic demonstration four decades ago against anot...

  • Democrat's bill to require Iraq troop withdrawal

    Democrat's bill to require Iraq troop withdrawal

    Law & Politics 03/08/2007

    Legislation due to arrive on the U.S. House floor later this month will propose legislation requing the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq by the fall of 2008, and even earlier if the Iraqi government does not meet security and other goals, D...

  • Blagojevich offers big plans, big tax hikes

    Blagojevich offers big plans, big tax hikes

    Law & Politics 03/07/2007

    Gov. Rod Blagojevich today called on lawmakers to "seize the moment" and enact new taxes on business, lease the state lottery and borrow money to fund a massive expansion of health care, pump new money into education and relieve the state's growing p...

  • CA heightens push to ease prison crowding

    CA heightens push to ease prison crowding

    Law & Politics 02/23/2007

    [##_1L|1062419403.jpg|width="110" height="103" alt=""|_##]Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger urged legislative leaders yesterday to act swiftly to ease prison overcrowding, saying he would consider early release of inmates who are “old, feeble and sick” and ...

  • Senate panel vote opposes troop buildup

    Senate panel vote opposes troop buildup

    Law & Politics 01/25/2007

    [##_1L|1251269120.jpg|width="120" height="88" alt=""|_##]A day after President Bush pleaded with Congress to give his Iraq policy one last chance, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee rebuffed him by approving a nonbinding resolution declaring his ...

  • Hillary Clinton to run for president

    Hillary Clinton to run for president

    Law & Politics 01/22/2007

    [##_1L|1253836729.jpg|width="85" height="92" alt=""|_##]New York senator and former first lady Hillary Clinton has thrown her hat into the presidential ring. In her first public appearance since joining the 2008 White House race Clinton said Sunday s...

  • Bush backing off no-warrant spying

    Bush backing off no-warrant spying

    Law & Politics 01/18/2007

    The Bush administration changed course and agreed Wednesday to let a secret but independent panel of federal judges oversee the government's controversial domestic spying program. Officials say the secret court has already approved at least one reque...

  • Bush Shifts Nominee for Appeals Court

    Bush Shifts Nominee for Appeals Court

    Law & Politics 01/16/2007

    President Bush on Tuesday shifted a controversial federal appeals court nominee from one opening to another to satisfy Senate Democrats. In a nod to the Senate's new Democratic leadership, Bush withdrew the nomination of Norman Randy Smith of Idaho f...

  • Bush signs legislation to protect phone records

    Bush signs legislation to protect phone records

    Law & Politics 01/13/2007

    President Bush Friday signed into law new federal legislation seeking to protect traditional, wireless, and internet phone calling consumers by preventing phone companies from selling their private phone records without customer authorization and cri...

  • Bush sending more troops to Iraq

    Bush sending more troops to Iraq

    Law & Politics 01/11/2007

    [##_1L|1120353263.jpg|width="100" height="124" alt=""|_##]President Bush laid out his "New Way Forward" in Iraq on Wednesday night, saying the United States should beef up its forces there by 21,500 troops, add $1.2 billion in reconstruction aid, and...

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