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  • Bryant tells court it should affirm same-sex marriage ruling

    Bryant tells court it should affirm same-sex marriage ruling

    Legal News Center 07/05/2015

    Gov. Phil Bryant remains opposed to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide, but he’s stopping his court fight against it. In a letter Wednesday, Bryant’s lawyer asks the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to return a Mis...

  • Health law court case winner could be political loser

    Health law court case winner could be political loser

    Legal News Center 05/30/2015

    The party that wins the impending Supreme Court decision on President Barack Obama's health care law could be the political loser.   If the Republican-backed challenge to the law's subsidies for lower-earning Americans prevails, the GOP would ha...

  • Missouri appeals judge appointed to take over Ferguson court

    Missouri appeals judge appointed to take over Ferguson court

    Legal News Center 03/11/2015

    A Missouri appeals court judge was appointed Monday to take over Ferguson's municipal court and make "needed reforms" after a highly critical U.S. Department of Justice report that was prompted by the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown. The Misso...

  • NC Supreme Court considers status of private school vouchers

    NC Supreme Court considers status of private school vouchers

    Legal News Center 02/16/2015

    The state Supreme Court is about to decide whether millions of dollars in taxpayer money that started flowing this year to pay student tuition at private and religious schools continues for a second year. The state's highest court hears arguments Tue...

  • Court justice suspended over role in porn scandal

    Court justice suspended over role in porn scandal

    Legal News Center 10/22/2014

    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Monday suspended one of its members over his participation in a state government pornographic email scandal that involved employees of the attorney general's office. The court justices issued an order saying Justice ...

  • High court action on voting aims to avoid chaos

    High court action on voting aims to avoid chaos

    Legal News Center 10/13/2014

    In seemingly contradictory voting-rights actions just a month before November's elections, the Supreme Court has allowed new Republican-inspired restrictions to remain in force in North Carolina and Ohio while blocking Wisconsin's voter identificatio...

  • Egypt court dissolves Muslim Brotherhood party

    Egypt court dissolves Muslim Brotherhood party

    Legal News Center 08/11/2014

    Egypt's highest administrative court dissolved Saturday the political party of the banned Muslim Brotherhood and ordered its assets liquidated, in the latest move against the 86-year old Islamist group. The decision against the Freedom and Justice Pa...

  • Brown appoints legal affairs aide to appeals court

    Brown appoints legal affairs aide to appeals court

    Legal News Center 07/28/2014

    Gov. Jerry Brown has named a senior aide to become an associate justice on the Sacramento-based Third District Court of Appeal. Brown announced the appointment of Jonathan Renner on Friday. The 44-year-old Democrat from Sacramento has been Brown's le...

  • Court: Company didn't induce patent infringement

    Court: Company didn't induce patent infringement

    Legal News Center 06/03/2014

    A unanimous Supreme Court ruled Monday that a company is not liable for inducing patent infringement if someone other than the company carries out some of the steps leading to infringement. The justices unanimously ruled Monday that Internet content ...

  • Court declines to block drug ruling in patent case

    Court declines to block drug ruling in patent case

    Legal News Center 04/21/2014

    Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts on Friday declined to temporarily block a lower court ruling that opens the world's best-selling multiple sclerosis drug to competition from generic rivals next month. The decision is a victory for rivals chal...

  • California court: Drivers can read cellphone maps

    California court: Drivers can read cellphone maps

    Legal News Center 03/05/2014

    Drivers in California can legally read a map on their hand-held cellphones while behind the wheel, a state appeals court ruled Thursday. The 5th District Court of Appeal reversed the case of a Fresno man who was ticketed in January 2012 for looking a...

  • Fight over gay marriage moving to federal courts

    Fight over gay marriage moving to federal courts

    Legal News Center 02/20/2014

    The overturning of Virginia’s gay marriage ban places the legal fight over same-sex unions increasingly in the hands of federal appeals courts shaped by President Barack Obama’s two election victories. It’s no accident that Virginia has become a key ...

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